The Institute of Global Energy Education will be a performance and results driven organization of 15 to 20 professionals with expertise in various energy technologies, marketing and fundraising, information technology, administration, adult educational instruction, and project management. The figure below shows the preliminary functional Organization Chart of the Institute and key executive positions.
Preliminary Functional Organization Chart

The Institute will be accountable to donors and governed by the Board of Directors, specifically selected for their diverse skill sets, backgrounds, and life experiences. Additionally, the Institute has been designed, as documented in its Bylaws, to have a diverse Advisory Council to ensure ongoing industry and community relevance in carrying out the Institute’s Mission.
The primary function of the staff is to plan, organize, and lead the implementation of the educational programs through the three delivery channels; measure the effectiveness of the educational programs and determine how they can be improved, either to better transfer existing knowledge or to incorporate new knowledge as the energy industry changes; to identify what needs to be changed and how the change needs to be implemented; then to repeat the cycle again. This cycle will take place for each program the Institute implements. Staff will work with Stakeholders to ensure the Institute’s key Values are maintained, namely that the information promulgated by the Institute is:
- Factual
- Intellectually impartial
- Transparent
- Technology agnostic
- Un-biased & Non-ideological
- Trusted & Respected
Accordingly, the Institute will apply supported science, engineering results, and best practices so non-technical experts can understand and better communicate with energy experts at an informed level with respect to how Energy is collected, converted, transmitted, distributed, and utilized in modern society. In this endeavor we perpetuate both science and the liberal arts, and the common ideals of both. Given the pace of change and innovation in Energy production and use, our programs will educate students to better target energy technology changes, and will enable professionals to gain the tools to understand and communicate the implications of technology relative to social goals while ensuring the security and integrity of the power grid. Together, they can effectively collaborate to address society’s need for sustainable energy and a cleaner healthier environment.
Link to 2020 U.S. Energy & Employment Report (A Joint Project of NASEO & EFI)